Upcoming Concerts in Berlin: Mutables and Only With You Performances

After playing two concerts on May 3rd at Istanbul’s wonderful concert venue Borusan Music House with Pep Talk and Böseblick, I stayed mostly under the radar, only going up for rehearsals and fun stuff with friends. Before my partner Tuçe Erel and I leave for Basel for a 2-week residency in Basel, Switzerland, I will play two shows in Berlin. The first one with a new project, the latter with an existing favorite of mine.

The new project has the working title “Mutables” and is the brainchild of myself, butoh dancer Min Yoon and analog live visualist Nicolas Wiese. With Mutables we have set out to tell the tale of the post-human “Mutables”, who have the unique gift of perceiving and manipulating Hierarchitons, the particles that form hierarchical relationships between humans, post-humans and non-humans. The project is in its infancy and this performance with Min and Nicolas will be mostly improvised, but based on material we have already rehearsed. We will perform at Untergrün at Lichtblick Kino on May 24th at 20:00 with the kind invitation by bassist Fyodor Stepanov.

My duo, Only With You, with synth wizard and overall cool person Eliad Wagner is going to play at Panda Platforma/Panda Theater in Berlin on May 29th. Eliad is also going to play with another duo partner, the amazing Andrea Parkins. The concert will end with an improvised trio performance. Only With You is no stranger to Panda, having played their first concert in 2024 at the Trouble in the East Records Festival on Feb 1st. Starts at 20:00

About Korhan Erel

Korhan Erel is an electronic musician, improviser and sound designer based in Berlin. Their music covers free improvisation, conceptual sound performances as well as structured and composed pieces as well as music for dance, theater and video art. They perform solo, duo and group performances with improvisers, jazz musicians, dancers, and in orchestras. They have shown several sound installations in art spaces in Turkey, Germany and Hong Kong. They have ten CD and several digital releases. They play concerts across Europe, Middle- East, Southeast Asia and North America
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