Solo, duo and group concerts in Berlin

On Wednesday, June 26, I’ll be playing an improvised concert with Jessica Ackerley (guitar), Eli Wallace (piano), Camila Nebbia (sax) and Cansu Tanrıkulu (voice, effects) at Sowieso. This is going to be a fun evening of first encounters for me. The only musician I’ve played with before is Cansu – in many settings as well as in our duo Pep Talk

On Saturday, June 29, I’ll be playing a structured improvisation on synthesizers at the SUBTOPIA event at Stapeltor in Duisburg. I’ll be sharing the bill with Güner Künier, Clara Levy, A2ICE & BO3 as well as Ilija Matusko (reading) and sun_ma___ & finsterNiz and ANDRAS_2020 on the decks. Here’s a newspaper feature about this one-day festival. The article is in German but who needs to know other languages nowadays when we have AI to help us out! There is a photo of me with hair in it!

The concert in Duisburg had to be postponed to local difficulties with the European Football Championship and a very large anti-AfD demonstration that will take place in Duisburg on the day of the concert. I will announce the new date soon.

FitFot performing at Novilla, Berlin in September 2023. Photo by Asarela Orchidia Dewi

On Friday, July 5th, Fitfot, the ambient family business with the love of my life Tuçe Erel, will play at the 15th Anniversary of KOOKOO at OHM! This one is special, because it is our second concert ever and at what an event! KOOKOO, organized and curated by Mieko Suzuki and Arno Raffeiner, has been more or less the only club night we’ve been going to for the past 2 years we’re so excited to be playing there on their anniversary night! Other acts and DJs of the night are: DJ DIE SOON & Rully Shabara, Maya Wada, Mieko Suzuki, Rabih Beaini, Tot Onyx, Ara

Link for more info:

On Wednesday, July 17th, I’ll play solo at the Experimentik series curated by Seiji Morimoto. It will be wonderful to revisit this series after many years and also to share the bill with the wonderful Antje Vowinkel as well as Lorenzo Abbatoir, whose music I’m looking very much forward to experiencing.

About Korhan Erel

Korhan Erel is an electronic musician, improviser and sound designer based in Berlin. Their music covers free improvisation, conceptual sound performances as well as structured and composed pieces as well as music for dance, theater and video art. They perform solo, duo and group performances with improvisers, jazz musicians, dancers, and in orchestras. They have shown several sound installations in art spaces in Turkey, Germany and Hong Kong. They have ten CD and several digital releases. They play concerts across Europe, Middle- East, Southeast Asia and North America
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